ICA Isolante

Call for Price

For Greasy, High Density Woods Containing Extracts

*Available in gallon & 5 gallon sizes

TOLL-FREE: 1 (888) 777-6835

LOCAL: (416) 251-0051


This bicomponent transparent solvent-based paint is usually the first coat in the painting cycle for high density woods (eg. Rosewood, ebony, mansonia, teak, etc.). It is a complete polymerisation of paraffinated polyester coating, when applied to wood.

NOTE: IS203 can be used to seal stains that could impede the polymerisation of polyester paint.

Safety Data Sheets

ICA Isolante SDS IS203

ICA Isolante SDS IS208

Technical Data Sheets

ICA Isolante TDS is203

ICA Isolante TDS is208