Get in-person training from our Plaster Masters!
Each Studio Class includes a Bonus Package!
The goal of our studio classes is to provide applicators with both the tools and knowledge to go beyond the ordinary and into the extraordinary. By combining training for Italian Decorative Lime-Based Plasters & Acrylic Plaster products, applicators can create unique finishes that are only possible with modern technology incorporated into these products.
Barry Affleck, PROTEK Plaster Master
All about Acrylic Plaster Systems
Over 2 Days this class covers decorative finish effects on MDF boards plus working on a wall setup with interior and exterior corners. This class should yield at least 18 boards 24” x 16” – inch samples. This program covers a full range of Acrylic Plasters and Paint products from a variety of manufacturers including both Texturline, Coverit and Valpaint wall systems.
With this program qualifies for a 15% discount on all tools and plaster bought during the class.

All about Lime-Based Plasters
During this 3-day course we cover the complete range of lime-based decorative plaster finishes and you should complete 15 or more samples on 24” x 16” MDF Boards (Size due to weight).
Upon completing this class, you are entitled to Premium Pricing at a 15% discount on lime-based coatings, along with colour matching from the Coverit plaster book. Custom colours at available a small upcharge.
Please Note
If you have limited application experince with decorative coatings, please take our Basic Training before the Acrylic or Lime-Based studio classes above.
Basic Finish Training
This 1-day introductory class covers different decorative finishes available with acrylic plaster. An 8-inch professional CO.ME trowel plus quart cans of Acrylic Venetian Plaster and Texturstone (medium grey tint) are provided. Polishing and protecting the plaster finish requires Burnishing Wax and Zero Gloss Varnish, which are also included (8-oz jars) to take with you for practice later.

Live Studio Classes for Professionals & those Starting Out
Decorative plastering is a trade unto itself and takes both skill and experience to do it well. As a result, classes have been divided up the into categories based on products, Acrylic & Lime-Based, as well as the skill and techniques used for each design variation.
Exceptional Acrylic Plaster finishes require Top Coat treatments that take them to the next level, while Lime-Based products rely on layering with additives to achieve exquisite results. BOTH products require skill that is built over time, allowing applicators to expand their different design styles using specific techniques.
In our studio classes we work on walls with interior and exterior corners, to simulate real site conditions. This will achieve a better understanding of difficulties that are on every job site. We strongly suggest practising at home after each class to perfect your skill level on these decorative finishes.
Our studio class are run by Barry Affleck, our resident expert in all things to do with decorative plaster in both traditional and modern methods. Barry has 50 Years’ experience and is a valuable source for future projects. We call him a true ‘Plaster Master’, who for many years has assisted our clientele with finalize project specifications and offers exceptional technical support.

Barry Affleck Plaster Master
Taking advantage of our discount offers on decorative coatings & tools will lead to creating more samples adapted for your clientele, building an expanded sample portfolio. Past experience has shown that an expanded sample portfolio can more than cover the cost of studio classes.
Register for a Studio Class
Studio Location: 21 Belvia Road in Toronto, Ontario Canada
All classes will be catered by a local restaurant at our cost.
- Please indicate any allergies or preferences Vegan or vegetarian.
- We will have bagels and coffee available for breakfast.
We can arrange hotel accommodations at a local establishment where we can pick you up and drop you off from our facility.